Monday, November 24, 2008

Good Karma - Pass It On!

Good Karma... you can always use more of it!
(Especially when you're going to be dealing with family, in-laws, hours of cooking, holiday shopping traffic, and other holiday hazards.)

I'm a big fan of putting good vibes out there and what better way to share the wealth than by passing along such fab Swagger specials to all of you fabulous readers out there in blogland, right?

The girls at Swagger are also big believers in that crazy thing called karma and that's why they love all of the Karma Creatives products at Swagger - notably the buddha (lip) balms and karmatherapy sprays!The Karmatherapy sprays are available in three zen scents: Peppermint Kiss, Herbal-Aloe and Grapefruit Tangerine... mmmmm. The Buddha Balms are available in a spiritually uplifting assortment of your favorite fruits, sods, and Honey & Mint -- wooh!
So who's ready to save 15% today? I know I am.

Snag 15% off these great products at Swagger - today until 6pm only - just by mentioning this blog post!
How's that for good karma? Pass it on and share the good vibes!