Oh. My. Gosh! The very limited edition (and very sought after) Assorted 2 Trollbeads have finally made their way over from Denmark and landed at Swagger Gifts!!! Aren't they beautiful?! *sigh*
How exciting for them to get here before the end of our Trunk Show! Come by today to view the NEW Assorted 2 beads (seriously I am going to go broke because they are so beautiful!)!
I know I will see some of you Trollbead Freaks soon!:)
Swagger Boutique is a fun and funky gift shop located in Cary, NC and on the web at http://www.shopswaggernow.com/! We specialize in trendy clothes, unique gifts and monogrammed everything for all occasions!
Some of the items we carry are: Henry & Belle, Alex & Ani, Lilly & Laura, Lilly Pulitzer, Hanky Panky, Spanx, stationery, purses, bath & body, home decor, baby, and of course anything monogrammed! Swagger on in - you'll be glad you did!
Gift Store Info: Swagger Boutique 2425 Kildaire Farm Rd Cary, NC 27518 Map it!