We've just gotten a WHOLE LOT of new *stuff* in at Swagger - maybe you'll want to get one of these cute new dresses/bathing suit cover ups with your new found money:)?!?! It is so cute!
Super Cute and it comes in Orange, Blue, Red and Green! $36 each
How do you get Swagger Bucks you ask? Every time you make a purchase from Swagger Gifts we keep tracking of it, and when you spend $250 you receive a $25 Rewards Certificate! Seriously - that easy! We send out rewards certificates at the beginning of every month for those who earned them during the previous month. (Note: this $250 is cumulative - you could have started purchasing in 2008 and got to $250 last month and would now be receiving your Swagger Bucks!)
Just our way of saying "Thanks for shopping at Swagger!"