I just couldn't go on today without wishing my
Talented, and just
All Around Fabulous Mom a
HaPpY BiRtHdAy! This is the first year in 7 years (since we opened Swagger!) that I haven't been with her on her birthday - it even makes me sad to write it:( Not that she loves her birthday (she doesn't) but I love being with the most inspiring woman in my life on the day she was born and to thank God for giving her to me (I'm not sure what I did to deserve her but I'll take it!) So - if you are at Swagger today - will you give her a hug for me? I would appreciate it!
My mom hates taking pictures (hates them), but this one (which I love) was taken this past September in the Mirabelle Gardens in Salzburg (she LOVES gardens so she agreed to taking it;)) when my parents came to visit us. This was at the start of our Sound of Music tour (which she also loves) so I thought it was the perfect birthday photo:)!love you guys, Mandy