I haven't written one of these in a while, so I thought I would catch you all up! Basically because everything has been a blur since Christmas - do any of you guys feel the same way? I can't even believe that Monday is March 1st!
Okay - so let me try to do a quick catch up. I came back to the States in December to work in the store for the Holidays! (For those of you who don't know - I am living in Switzerland for the year - I know tough life:-)). Anyway, I was so glad I came back - I couldn't possibly have missed the 2nd Annual Tacky Christmas Sweater ExTrAvAgAnZa!!! I meant to write a post about it in December to show all our cute - scratch that - TACKY outifts but the time just got away from me. Here is a picture of the Swaggerettes - I think Heather DEFINITELY won - don't you?
L to R - Me, Kellie, Heather, Kayla, Melissa
After Christmas was market in Atlanta. And I mean RIGHT after Christmas! We didn't even get a breather! But that was probably a good thing, because the 2009 Holiday Season was fresh on our mind while we purchased everything for the 2010 Holiday Season! You can read all about our market shenanigans
here! Heather, my Mom (Jill), and I had a great time - I love those girls!
Then it was almost February 1st (!) and time for me to head back to Switzerland. Since my husband and I both grew up in Georgia, we have been trying to get as many winter activities as possible. Here are a few pictures of our adventures, but if you want to follow along please do! I have been writing a blog about our time abroad
Sledding on Mt. Rigi near Lucerne, Switzerland - VERY dangerous sport! Almost lost my life - seriously!:)
We went ice skating on a real frozen lake! Our question was - is it bad when you have to skate through water like my husband is having to do here? Hmmmm.
Here we had just finished skiing down a black diamond on the Glacier 3000 in Gstaad Switzerland! This was a big accomplishment for me because I'm really not that good of a skiier!
And yes - in between those I have been working (in the background) @ Swagger! I think this would be the perfect time to give a shout out to all my Swagger Girls who are actually AT the store (in the "foreground") making it all happen - Heather, Jill, Melissa, Kelly, Lindsay, Kayla, and Kellie! If you've received great service from them I would love to hear about it! (Leave a comment - I would surely appreciate it!) Okay, so let's recap a couple things that have happened so far this decade!
1. We went GOLD! Swagger is now a Gold Level Retailer with Trollbeads! We are so excited about our new status, because we now have lots of gold beads in the store for you to see and we now carry UNIQUE beads! We will receive these unique beads once a month, so if you are a Trollbeads Fanatic like me, make sure to stop by the store regularly to see them! Then you can say to your friends - look at what I HAVE - nanny nanny boo boo! Okay - well maybe you don't have to go that far but you will be very SPECIAL:)! We also started a "What's your Story?" Trollbeads Scrapbook - please come by, let us take a picture of your bracelet, and tell us!

Here are some of our Trollbead Fanatics enjoying Chamapagne and Chocolate at our Going Gold Party and Trunkshow!
2. Many of you have noticed we have done some redecorating at the store! We moved most of the furniture around, got some zebra rugs (yeah! I'd been wanting to do that for the last 7 years), new zebra curtains, a new jewelry cabinet and lots of NEW product! I heart the word new - NEW ROCKS!:) But I have been over here in Switzerland and haven't been able to see what it all looks like, so Heather sent me some pictures this morning! Here is a slideshow of "What's New" right now:
3. One of my jobs is Website Guru. Okay well Guru might be a little strong, but I do write the content, upload the products, and basically try to make it better and more user friendly for you guys! One thing we just added was a LIVE CHAT button! So, if you are ever online and want to ask us a question about a product or monogramming or WHATEVER, just click on the Live Support button at the top and one of us will be there to chat with you! Super cool - right?! I feel so High Tech:)!

It is the grey button in our header on our website!
Alright - well that is enough for today! I've got to get back to work:) Love and miss all you guys!
Thanks for being loyal Swagger customers!