Okay - so today started out a little shaky. We were buying jewelry and someone asked Heather about the necklace her "mom" was talking about. "Her Mom" was ME, Mandy! Are you kidding me? I know I have a birthday in a couple of days, but geez - do I really look like I could be Heather's MOM?! So of course I have been obsessing about that ALL DAY, but in between THAT we have been buying stuff:)
We couldn't walk 10 feet without someone complimenting Heather on this "bib" necklace! It looks so good on AND it is ridiculously light - no neck aches from this necklace!
I can NOT stop laughing at this photo - I LOVE it!:)
And when I say we were buying jewelry - I mean we have been BUYING jewerly! Holy moly! We almost broke our backs trying to carry this stuff to the car! I wanted to give you guys a list of "What's HOT" for spring/summer 2010!
1. "Bib" Necklaces
2. Flowers
3. Pearls
4. Grey and Aqua are HUGE, but all bright colors including fuschia, purple, and orange are popular too!
5. BIG Rings (yeah!!! I still love them!)
6. Layering Necklaces
7. Did I mention Pearls?! Pearls, pearls, and more pearls!
8. Statement pieces
9. Mixing metals (thank goodness - I do this anyway!)
10. And finally Rhinestones are hanging around for another year!
After that we got more Christmas stuff! I just love this Naughty/Nice monogrammed santa hat! Obviously we know how Jill was feeling today!:) And don't worry - I expect you guys will fall in love with this hat just like we did, so we got a bunch!:)
Don't you just love these flowers? Our rep suggestions putting the big one on your front door instead of a wreath this spring! We LOVED the idea! So cute and they are coming to the store in March!
Okay - going to bed....it is 12:15 and I am tired!
Love ya, Momma Mandy:)