I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of you who took the time to answer the Survey in our July Newsletter! We were advised AGAINST asking open ended questions (more radio buttons - yes, no, rate us 1-5) but that isn't the way we roll at Swagger because we actually wanted to hear what you guys had to say! So even more thanks for writing out the answers (proving us right against all these survey snobs:))! We had over 70 responses which I have to say is pretty darn good....you guys are the BEST customers in the world!!!!!
Below are the questions with some of your answers. I picked the answers that were reoccurring themes:)! I have added some of my commentary in GREEN so you guys know what I did with the information! You weren't just answering without cause - we took all the survey answers to heart and focused on them at market while buying and also now that we are back in the store!
Here you go:
1. We're heading to market this week! What do YOU want to see in the store in coming months?
- Anything with a monogram!!! Don't worry - you will see even more monograms - we can't wait for them to come in!
- Purses, Purses & more purses! Bright colors & patent is great! :o) We hear you! We have started buying from some great designers out of LA and they should hopefully be in soon!
- unique but useful gifts
- more $10-15 gifts We really focused on this at market and you guys should start seeing this as early as August!
- Some other themes were: more home goods, children’s items, wine related stuff, stationery Yep - got these things too!
2. What do you like best about the service at Swagger?
- Always take the time to think through the gift I need and not pushy!
- Everyone is always so helpful & friendly....constantly willing to give ideas in times of desperate need and will do whatever necessary to make it all go so smoothly & pain free! :o)
- It is very personal. You seem interested in your shoppers. And, I have no idea
how, but you remember us. I only hire people with photographic memories - it is part of the interview process - j/k:) - Everything...especially their willingness to "go above and beyond."
- Always extremely helpful, not standing over you, and love the gift wrapping.
- Greeted but left alone so I can try to look AND think; great about answering questions.
- They are always willing to give you ideas for something, and to help you look for something that fits your budget.
- Besides the great gifts I've purchased there, I love the trademark zebra print wrapping paper. It's stylish and my friends immediately know they have a great Swagger gift to unwrap!
- free wrapping!!
- The main themes here were free gift wrapping (this will NEVER go away- promise!), "not hovering or being pushy" (which I appreciate because I hate it when I get that feeling at other stores - we try to train our staff to be helpful but not overbearing - thank you for confirming that!), and helpful staff.
3. What could we do to improve the service at Swagger?
- Show more online what's in the store. I will try doing this but it might be more on the blog than on the actual website. Unfortunately/Fortunately we have such a high turnover rate on the stuff we carry in the store it is almost impossible to keep up with it online (also we don't buy in huge quantities so you always have a unique gift). But I hear you and it will be my personal mission to accomplish this!
- Cocktails while we shop! Just kidding! :) There is always one:)
- Last time I was in I noticed afterward that they didn't ask for my name to credit my account with my purchase "points". Perhaps she noted my name on my credit card, but not sure. Because we do remember so many customers by name and/or we can get the info off the credit card we often do not ask. However, several people mentioned this so I will make sure the staff lets you know that we are adding your purchase towards your Frequent Buyer Points - so you don't think we forgot or just didn't do it! I promise I already threaten employees within inches of their life to add your purchase to your account - we LOVE giving away our $25 gift certificates! Here is a pic of a customer with over $150 in gift certificates!
- Open later, I work so I can only come to the store on Saturdays, everything else I do on-line! We are trying to come up with a solution here - maybe stay open late on a specific day? I will let you guys know!
4. Is there a staff person you would like to commend?
- I have yet to meet one that I don't like, but Gina is really wonderful. Okay - so I have to laugh here because A LOT of people mentioned that they loved "Gina". Gina is the "person" in our ads and Kelly is on the staff. Customers call Kelly "Gina" all the time - it cracks me up. It does look like Kelly posed for the cartoon picture - but I assure you they are NOT one and the same:)


5. What do you like best about the product selection offered at Swagger?
- Great selection for the "has everything" person to buy a gift for.
- Designer style wrapping at store is a HUGE plus for those of us who need to be in and gone with a complete gift!
- The variety is unmatched! There are always the latest and most clever items...gifts, apparel, baby items, and jewelry.
- There are different levels of price points, so no matter who you are shopping for, there is something for everyone.
- Unique and not overpriced.
- I love that Swagger is oriented toward gifts of all kinds and prices--whether I am gifting others or myself :).
- Thank you guys - those are the things I keep in mind when buying for the store - Variety, Price Point, and Uniqueness
6. What could we do to improve the product selection offered at Swagger?
- Want to see MORE Scout bags! I was surprised at the number of people who specifically mentioned Scout Bags by name - wow! Well let's just say this - after ordering for fall and Christmas the Vice President of the company personally came over and thanked us. :) They also asked us for our input on next year's designs and styles - and we are super psyched about what is coming!
- Add some guy friendly stuff. We were on a mission at market to get more "guy" stuff. We did get some great items, but I will tell you there isn't a whole lot out there for the men.....
- Maybe not so much pink and green. Us earthy girls like our reds, oranges and golds. Okay I here you - sometimes I forgot EVERYONE isn't into pink and green!:) Enough said - will do - but of course we will keep the pink and green too!
- As I had previously mentioned, gift options for tweens. It is great to be able to put a gift together with cute things such as a monogram bag and the little colorful bag of gumballs! We tried to focus on this while at market as well. What we have found however is that we sell more "adult" stuff to tweens than "tween" stuff. They are so mature these days.......
- Broaden young children and toddler items beyond the baby stage. We did this to!
7. If you were the owner of Swagger, what would you change?
- well, because I like knowing customers names; I would maybe once a month or so have a meet our staff evening with a couple extra specials... I like this idea!
- I would take the area where the kids can play and have more merchandise. We got this comment almost as many times as we got the one below. I guess we know who has little kids:)
- Nothing to change, but I do want to commend you on having a "play area." Very helpful.
- I might change the hours of operation some days. Looking into it...
- Possibly offer a little wider selection of gifts under $25 or so......when I go in looking for a little something I sometimes struggle with what to get when I don't want to spend over $20. We added a HUGE number of items under $20 - you will start seeing them arrive in August (and not stop!)
- Expand! We received over 20 of this exact comment - so you guys are officially NEVER allowed to meet my husband!:) He wants me to do this all the time. We shall see..... I'm just not ready.... YET!:)
Thank you so much! You guys are what makes all of our jobs at Swagger so much fun!