Happy Black Monday Everyone! We hope you had a great Thanksgiving Weekend! We know you have lots of online shopping options today and we appreciate you joining us here at Swagger Gifts! We are very thankful for all our customers today and every day!

Thank you for helping us make the 3rd Annual Holiday Open House Preview Party and the 7th Annual Holiday Open House so very festive and fabulous at Swagger Gifts!
On Thursday at the Preview Party, we raised approximately $2,000 for Cary, NC non-profit, Life Experiences, Inc., had some great times with friends, and welcomed many new faces to Swagger Gifts! We appreciate your support, enthusiasm for this event, and patience while placing your custom orders and checking out. We truly have the best customers in the world!
Every year, we strive to make our Holiday Open House events better and better - and this year is no exception. We'd love your feedback and would love to hear your suggestions and ideas! Feel free to email Mandy at Mandy@SwaggerGifts.com with your feedback or just to say "Hi!" :-)
Happy Holidays!
-The Girls at Swagger Gifts
Now - We got new Zebra curtains a couple years ago - I love them!
Now - Before you could see all the way to the back - definitely not any more!
Now - We have A LOT more jewelry (there is a whole other wall of it) and lots more monogrammed stuff! And of course - we now carry Trollbeads!!!