Monday, April 28, 2008

I Refuse to be the Last Girl on Board...

I like to think of myself as a pretty trendy girl but sometimes... just sometimes... even the coolest of trends sometimes takes off right before my eyes. (And I won't even act like I wasn't pre-occupied the last week with all the good stuff going on this past weekend... Triangle Beach Music Festival in Garner, World Beer Festival in Moore Square, Foxfields in Virginia, ... )
So what is it that I've finally set my sights on to acquire by the end of today?
In true girl-tastic style, I MUST add a vinyl decal (monogram, please!) to my car.

Now here's my only problem... what color and what font can I commit to? (I better order a few... my favorites change with the weather.)
Luckily, the girls at Swagger are eager to help us get on the monogram train (or car, truck, SUV... whatever you're driving these days) so today's Manic Monday special is 15% off car decals... but you must come in the store before 6pm today to order - so hop to it!
*Don't forget to print this blog and bring it with you to take advange of this special blog-only sale!*

Monday, April 21, 2008

Go Green with Swagger and Save 15%!

One of my big personal goals for this year was to be more concious of my global footfrint that I'm leaving on the world and to do what I can to set a better example for those around me. Years ago, it used to be hard to be a trendy girl who remained green at the same time - but those days are over so there are NO excuses now!

The girls at Swagger have made it amazingly easy to be green these days AND promote such a great message at the same time with some fabulously fun and eco-friendly gifts and accessories. From chic and indestructable water bottles (that help you cut down on the number of plastic bottles you go through in a week) to reusable shopping bags that ask others around you if they're saving the world, too... there are just endless possibilities for celebrating Earth Week in store at Swagger!
To celebrate Earth Day taking place this week, Swagger is offering 15% off all green products in the store today only until 6pm just by printing this blog and bringing it with you! This sale includes reusable shopping bags, "I Care" bracelets, chic watter bottles, and more!
Stop by and take home a reusable shopping bag full of green gear to get you started and Happy Recycling!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

"This Sweet Concoction is Smooth as Molasses..."

If a little Kenny Chesney doesn't get you in the mood to get outside and enjoy some good times with friends and family then how about The Embers at North Hills tonight?
You can always tell when the winter weather is finally movin' out of town by the explosion of fun "to-do"s that have recently been added to your calendar - I know mine is full clear through May with outdoor concerts, backyard parties, graduation cook-outs, and more! If you've antied up to the role of "hostess with the mostess" for any of these occassions (or any Thursday night "Girls Night Out") then this week's Thirsty Third Thursday blog reader's special is going to make you smile as much as the mint juleps in your guests glasses!
Today only, take advantage of 15% off all Lolita glassware at Swagger from 10am until 6pm (in the store only) and never be afraid to mix and match! Your guests will all want to know where you picked up such stylish pieces and if you don't tell... I won't either! Unless of course... you want to!

*Please print this blog and bring it with you to the store to receive 15% off Lolita glassware at Swagger today!*

Monday, April 14, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Mandy

I really can't remember what I did or where I went when I was trying to find the right gift for those that I love before Swagger came along! As wedding season ramps up, there is no more perfect time to shop for every celebration of true love on my calendar this year than today!
In celebration of Mandy's anniversary, all wedding merchandise is 15% off today only from 10am until 6pm in the store only, for this week's Manic Monday blog special. There are so many fabulous gifts to choose from - from timeless to trendy - so you will be sure to be known as the guest (or bridesmaid) with the most fabulous taste and natural knack for gift giving (and the girls at Swagger will never share your shopping secrets!).
Feel free to send your fellow wedding lovers to this blog to share in the well-wishes, and stop in the store to celebrate the anniversary of your (and my) favorite destination for retail therapy!
*Please print this blog posting and bring it with you to enjoy the special blog-reader savings!*

Monday, April 7, 2008

I <3 Pacifica!

First of all, let me say how excited I am that our area is finally getting some of the rain we have so desperately needed... but can a girl get a break? I've had to suit up in complete rain gear just to take the dog for a walk (who also, is getting a little tired of the lack of sunshine)! The only saving grace I've had for spending so much time cooped up inside are the Pacifica candles and accessories that bring a little bit of the outdoors into my home and office!

My favorite scent is definitely Sandalwood, but with Pacifica soaps, I bring a little bit of the islands into my shower each morning, too!
To help you beat your rainy day(s) funk, Mandy's choice for this week's Manic Monday blog special is 15% off all Pacifica candles and accessories! Hurry into the store between 10am and 6pm today only to take advantage of this chance to take home the entire collection of your favorite scents!
*Please remember to print this blog and bring it with you to the store!*